Thank you again for your continued support of AAPI’s effort to help India combat the pandemic. With your generous help, we have received $3.6 million in donations thus far. 1000 oxygen concentrators have reached India and approximately 100 oxygen concentrators have been delivered in the state of Karnataka including Bengaluru, Vijayapur, Hubli and Sargur. We have sent the rest of them to 15 other regions and  as soon their delivery is confirmed across all over India, we will give you an update about the details of exact locations.

Nidek Concentrators shipped from Atlanta have reached Delhi Sewa Office

AAPI sent the first lot of Oxygen Concentrators to India!

Thanks to you, the generous and compassionate members, and others as well, AAPI has been able and continues to make progress in its efforts to deal with an unfolding and out of control COVID 19 crises in India.

As we pledged, we are able to very quickly secure the much needed and in demand O2 concentrators through our reliable and committed partner (SEWA International). We have shipped by air freight, the first batch of 1,000 of the O2 Concentrators on 4/29/21.